5 Minute Buffalo Chicken Wraps

When I think bûffalö chicken the first thing that cömes tö mind is bûffalö wings bût töday we’re making sömething sö mûch better. These bûffalö chicken wraps have all the tasty flavörs öf bûffalö wings withöût all the added fat and calöries.


  • 2 cûp cööked chicken shredded ör chöpped (rötisserie, shredded, ör grilled)
  • 1/2 cûp bûffalö saûce ör 1/3 cûp höt saûce + 2 tablespööns melted bûtter
  • 1 cûp shredded lettûce
  • 1/4 cûp ranch ör blûe cheese dressing
  • 4 mediûm flöûr törtillas
  • öptiönal fillings: tömatö öniön, shredded cheese


  • In a large böwl, cömbine the cööked chicken and bûffalö saûce ûntil the chicken is fûlly cöated with the saûce.
  • Lay öût the flöûr törtillas and divide the chicken evenly amöng the törtillas. Töp the chicken with lettûce, and ranch dressing. Föld in the sides öf the törtilla and röll the wrap bûrritö-style. Enjöy warm ör cöld!
Full Recipe @gimmedelicious.com

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