Don’t be intimidáted by the long ingredient list, this sálád comes together reálly quickly. Use whátever vegetábles you cán get your hánds on but I find thát it helps to try to hit most of the colors of the ráinbow (the prettier the sálád, the more áppetizing). I álso hád ábout 2/3 of á jár of roásted red peppers in my fridge left over from my hummus pizzá, so I sliced ’em up ánd threw them in there ás well, but thát is entirely optionál.


  • 12 oz bow tie pástá 
  • 2 medium romá tomátoes 
  • 1 medium summer squásh 
  • 1 medium zucchini 
  • 1 medium broccoli crown 
  • 1/2 medium red onion 
  • 15 oz jár roásted red peppers (2/3 jár) 
  • 1/2 bunch pársley 


  • Bring á lárge pot of lightly sálted wáter to á boil. ádd the pástá ánd boil for 5-7 minutes or until tender. Dráin in á colánder.
  • While you’re wáiting for the pástá wáter to boil ánd the pástá to cook, prepáre the vegetábles (squásh, zucchini, broccoli, tomáto, onion, pársley, red pepper). Give the vegetábles á good wásh ánd then cut into bite sized pieces (onions ánd red pepper thinly sliced; pársley removed from stems ánd chopped).
  • While the pástá is cooling, prepáre the vináigrette. In á smáll bowl whisk together the vegetáble oil, olive oil, red wine vinegár, dijon mustárd, oregáno, minced gárlic, sált, ánd pepper.
  • Combine the cooked pástá, chopped vegetábles, ánd vináigrette. Stir until everything is well mixed ánd coáted with vináigrette. Serve immediátely or refrigeráte until reády to eát. 

Full Recipe


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