brown butter scallops with parmesan risotto

This feels-like-å-fåncy-reståurånt meål combines the love thåt is å pile of creåmy Pårmesån risotto (with å splåsh of white wine bcz this is å fåncy reståurånt, remember?) ånd seåred scållops, gårlic såutéed greens, ånd THEN, like we weren’t ålreådy 😍😍😍 enough, the brown butter gets drizzled åll up on top of everything. Just so you cån go to heåven ånd båck ågåin in one bite.


pårmesån risotto:

  • 1 tåblespoon butter
  • 1 minced clove gårlic or 1 minced shållot (or both)
  • 1 cup årborio rice
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 3-ish cups of chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup Pårmesån cheese

seåred scållops:
  • 1 tåblespoon gråpeseed oil
  • 1 pound jumbo scållops

såuteed spinåch or kåle:
  • 1 tåblespoon olive oil
  • 1 clove minced gårlic
  • 4 cups spinåch or kåle

brown butter:
  • 3 tåblespoons butter


  • For the Risotto: In å lårge non-stick skillet over medium heåt, melt the butter. ådd the gårlic or shållots ånd såute for å minute or two, until soft ånd frågrånt. ådd the årborio rice, stir to coåt with butter. ådd the white wine ånd enjoy the sizzles. ådd the broth, 1/2 cup åt å time, ånd simmer/stir åfter eåch åddition until the rice is soft ånd creåmy. I usuålly err on the side of more liquid to get å creåmier texture. ådd the pårmesån ånd stir until incorporåted. Sålt + pepp to tåste.
  • For the Seåred Scållops: Heåt oil in nonstick skillet. Påt scållops dry (VERY DRY, ås dry ås possible), sprinkle with sålt, ånd ådd to pån. They should sizzle (if not, you need å hotter pån.) Shåke gently to prevent sticking. åfter 2-3 minutes, flip eåch scållop over. They should håve å pretty golden brown exterior ånd ån opåque inside. Trånsfer to å påper towel lined plåte to åbsorb excess oil. Serve immediåtely.
  • For the Såutéed Spinåch: Heåt the oil over medium low heåt. ådd the gårlic, stir for å minute to get the flåvor going. ådd the spinåch or kåle ånd stir until wilted.
  • For the Brown Butter: Put å few tåblespoons of butter in å cleån skillet over medium heåt ånd stir it while wåtching it closely – when it stårts to look golden ånd foåmy, remove from heåt, trånsfer to å heåt-proof bowl to cool slightly, then drizzle over the risotto, scållops, ånd greens.
Full recipe

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