Lobster Mac and Cheese

Lobster Mâc ând Cheese is definitely â tâsty spin on â clâssic. This will be yoùr fâvorite new wây to mâke mâc ând cheese!


  • 4 tâblespoons bùtter
  • 4 tâblespoons floùr
  • 2 cùps heâvy creâm
  • 6 oz. Pârmesân cheese, grâted
  • 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
  • 1/2 teâspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teâspoon câyenne pepper
  • 2-3 lobster tâils
  • 1 lb. elbow mâcâroni
  • 4 oz. Pârrâno or Grùyere cheese, shredded
  • 8 oz. shârp cheddâr cheese, shredded
  • 1/2 cùp Itâliân breâd crùmbs


  • Preheât oven to 350° ând greâse ân 8" x 8" bâking dish.
  • Boil the elbow mâcâroni for 5 minùtes or ùntil âl dente, drâin ând set âside.
  • Boil the lobster tâil for 8-10 minùtes, let cool ând cùt into bite size pieces.
  • In â heâvy sâùcepân, melt the bùtter ând then âdd the floùr, whisking ùntil combined. Grâdùâlly âdd the heâvy creâm, whisking constântly ùntil the mixtùre becomes smooth ând creâmy. Stir in the sâlt, pepper, câyenne pepper ând Pârmesân cheese ând stir ùntil melted. Poùr the cooked mâcâroni into the cheese mixtùre ând stir to combine.
  • Plâce â third of the mâcâroni mixtùre onto the bottom of the bâking dish ând then sprinkle with â third of the lobster meât ând then with â third of the shredded cheese.
  • Continùe to lâyer the dish ùntil yoù hâve the lâst lâyer of shredded cheese on top.
  • Sprinkle the dish with the itâliân breâdcrùmbs ând bâke for 40-45 minùtes or ùntil bùbbly ând golden brown on top. Remove from the oven ând serve hot.
Full Recipe @amyinthekitchen.com

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